Sadiq Khan is on course to miss one of his main housing targets, according to critics, after recently published figures revealed that just over 300 homes have been built on land owned by Transport for London (TfL).
TfL announced in May 2016 that it had set a target to construct 10,000 homes by 2020. However, figures unveiled by the London mayor in May illustrated that only 322 homes have been built on TfL land since he took office in 2016. The target was later revised to 10,000 homes by 2021.
Conservative housing spokesperson in the London Assembly Andrew Boff question Khan on how many homes had begun construction on TfL sites between 2016 and current 2018/19 financial year. The London mayor responded by stating that no new homes had been built on TfL land in 2016/17, although 276 were built the following year and 46 were constructed in Clapham North.
Furthermore, TfL had received planning permission to build another 350 new homes in Waltham Forest at Blackhorse Road, with construction due to start shortly.
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