Flexible workspace firms, infinitSpace and The Instant Group, have found that the setting of waste management targets are the most popular measure that office landlords are putting in place to introduce energy-saving measures.
In research commissioned by the companies to independent market research firm, Censuswide, it was found that nearly a third (31%) of landlords were already implementing these measures across their portfolios, with a further 64% plan to set targets in the future.
The survey found that flex space and thermal efficiency measures (other than double glazing) were joint-second in the most popular measures, with a quarter (25%) of landlords already implementing them.
The flexible workspace market is becoming a popular sector with landlords, with 67% planning to implement an element of flex space in the future. With the demand for these spaces growing as a result of the pandemic and high inflation, the sector is estimated to grow from £25.7bn in 2020 to £56.4bn by 2026.
Despite the increase in interest in these spaces and a move towards net-zero properties, less than a quarter of landlords currently have high efficiency/LED lighting (23%), sensor/timed-controlled lighting (23%) and double glazing (24%), making them the least adopted measures.
The rise in energy prices in the UK has accelerated demand for these measures, with 55% saying that it has incentivised them to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. There are also the external pressures, which include the UK Government requiring a minimum EPC rating of E as of April 2023.
Chief executive officer of infinitSpace, Wybo Wijnbergen said: “From infrastructure upgrades to policy targets, it is highly encouraging to see the vast majority of landlords planning to implement measures to boost the efficiency of their buildings, while many have already done so. Indeed, such changes will be instrumental to their businesses' continued success as energy costs remain high and regulatory pressures intensify. Not to mention, it signifies an excellent step in the right direction for the sector in terms of reaching ambitious sustainability goals and net-zero targets.
“It is also highly encouraging to see the wide appeal for flex space not only as a commercial opportunity but as a way to maximise space efficiency and provide a green edge. Although many of these measures may appear time-consuming and bear initial upfront costs, landlords should remember that they don’t have to go it alone; flex space operators can oversee the implementation of new and, as this research makes clear, much-wanted energy-efficient measures, streamlining the sustainability agenda.”
Executive director of sustainability at Incendium (part of The Instant Group), Sam Pickering added: “It is positive to see the steps landlords are taking to improve the energy efficiency of their office stock. There are several drivers behind the upgrades being made by landlords, including regulation, environmental concerns and crucially occupier demands. Occupiers are increasingly focused on how their office space fits into their overall net zero plans and targets.
“Without these essential upgrades we will be in a scenario where office space becomes obsolete and unusable from a portfolio strategy perspective that takes sustainability into account. Progress is definitely going in the right direction and it is encouraging to see landlords committing to implementing more measures, as well as recognising the vital role flexible workspace can play in improving energy efficiency.”
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