Seven in 10 landlords (69%) have increased the size of their property portfolio or have plans to do so, new research from OSB Group has suggested.
The figure rises to 77% of professional landlords, as OSB suggested they continue to invest in the future of the private rented sector (PRS).
OSB’s research, based on a sample of 1,000 UK landlords with an even split between professional and non-professional, revealed that this investment comes at a time when 42% of landlords said they are optimistic about their future, with one in five professional landlords (20%) indicating they feel “very optimistic”.
The optimism is reflected in the actions that landlords said they are taking to help their businesses succeed. According to the study, 65% are considering or have already transitioned to become limited companies or incorporated entities.
OSB also found that two thirds (66%) are investing or planning to invest to stay ahead of legislative changes, 58% have or plan to employ more staff, and that 68% are spending more time thinking about the tenant experience.
“Landlords play a critical role in society, and this research clearly demonstrates that they are optimistic and committed to the future of the sector,” said group managing director mortgages and savings at OSB Group, Jon Hall.
“The actions landlords are taking, such as future financial planning, investing in the growth of their businesses, and building better tenant relationships, are a clear sign of their drive to improve the PRS for the long-term despite the many headwinds. We hope to see this continue over the next 12 months and longer.”
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