Foundation Home Loans has announced the launch of a limited edition five-year, fixed rate buy-to-let (BTL) product for portfolio landlords.
The intermediary-only specialist lender confirmed the product comes with no product or application fees.
The new product is part of the lender’s F1 range, offered at 3.39% for five years up to 75% LTV, and as well as no product or application fees, comes with one free standard valuation which is available for both purchases and remortgages.
Foundation also confirmed the product is available to both individual and limited company portfolio landlords and has a maximum loan size of £750,000.
“When it comes to portfolio landlords, whether they are refinancing existing properties or adding additional ones, a major consideration is keeping their upfront costs to a minimum, which is why we are offering these highly-competitive limited edition portfolio landlord products without the expense of product fees, application fees or standard valuation cost, for purchases as well as remortgages,” Foundation commercial director, George Gee, commented.
“Over the past few weeks, we’ve launched a number of limited edition product specials specifically for portfolio landlords and believe this will be a key growth area for the BTL sector and those advisers active in this space.”
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