Habito has announced the launch of a new range of mortgages specifically designed for portfolio landlords.
With the expansion of the Habito BTL range into portfolio mortgages, landlords with four or more mortgaged BTL properties can now benefit from the company's underwriters and specialist BTL mortgage brokers.
The latest product launch will give the lender comprehensive coverage of the BTL market – and follows Habito’s announcement of its first suite of company BTL mortgages in September, after it had entered the lending market with products for individual landlords in July this year.
Research conducted by Habito had found that prospective portfolio landlords were most frustrated by the time taken during the mortgage application process, and the number of required forms to provide.
The data found that the industry’s average time to offer for a BTL took 21 days, although using Habito’s proprietary technology, the lender said it will be able to provide landlords with an offer in under 10 days.
Habito has announced that eligible landlords will be able to secure financing for their investment with a deposit of 20%, and rates will be available starting at 2.54%, and 2.59% for those buying through a company.
Habito Founder and CEO, Daniel Hegarty, commented: “Launching our portfolio BTL range means that we are now one of the most comprehensive BTL mortgage lenders in England and Wales, and can help any landlord who comes to us. But we’re not stopping here.
“We know that landlords are increasingly interested in more specialist classifications of property to help diversify their portfolio, including HMOs, holiday lets and multi-use freeholds.
“We are constantly enhancing our underwriting and system capabilities and will be able to lend on those types of properties very soon.”
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