Secured loan provider, Step One Finance, has added its product range to the SOURCE module of Twenty7Tec’s CloudTwenty7 platform.
As part of the launch of a new product range, Step One said it has partnered with Twenty7Tec to make the access to this range available to a wider market of advisers.
The mortgage technology provider’s SOURCE module, used daily by more than 15,000 mortgage advisers, analyses product, criteria and lender affordability to simplify and increase the speed of searching, applying for and obtaining a mortgage.
Twenty7Tec director of lender relationships, Nathan Reilly, commented: “We’re committed to making the mortgage research process as efficient as possible for CloudTwenty7 users.
“This makes continually adding new lenders to our SOURCE module absolutely essential, so advisers can identify the best options for their customers not only across our comprehensive range of mainstream lenders, but also with specialist and second charge lenders, such as Step One.”
Step One head of lending, Martin Porter, added: “Our revised product range is competitively priced and offers a wide range of solutions for customers with different circumstances and borrowing needs. Our partnership with Twenty7Tec enables advisers to source for Step One mortgages more efficiently. This is a great benefit to advisers and their customers.”
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