conveybuddy has announced that over 1,000 brokers have now registered with its platform since its official launch in September 2024. The firm said that this growth highlight the “success of its transparent, cost-effective approach to conveyancing”. Since the launch, conveybuddy has made progress in the conveyancing space, including the launch of its flagship broker portal in September. The firm also partnered with The Moving Portal to add survey products to its platform, offering an all-in-one solution for their clients.
The Cambridge Building Society has enhanced its mortgage proposition, with customers who do not have permanent rights to reside in the UK now being able to apply for a mortgage at up to 90% LTV, including shared ownership. Those with a skilled worker visa, a global talent visa and a care worker visa can now apply for these mortgage products. In order to qualify, applicants must have lived in England and Wales for at least two years. For joint applications, where one applicant holds permanent residency, the LTV increases to 95% LTV.
Santander has made a range of changes across its business and transfer ranges. On the lender’s business range, selected fixed rate purchase and remortgage rates have been cut by up to 0.29%, with standard residential fixed rates across purchase, remortgage and green ranges increasing by up to 0.34%. On Santander’s buy-to-let range, rates on its business and product transfer fixed rates, including green products, have been increased by up to 0.20%. For product transfers, selected residential rates will reduce by up to 0.15%, with other residential fixed rates increasing by up to 0.18%.
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