Property investor and landlord platform, Lendlord, has announced it is launching a new integrated auction tool.
The service will allow users to browse available lots, analyse properties and arrange bridging finance from within the same portal.
Lendlord’s auction tool allows investors to view property details from multiple online auctions and analyse the returns on those properties if they were to buy them to let out or “flip” them for an immediate profit.
If an investor decides they want to bid on a property, they can then arrange a bridging loan to finance the purchase from within the Lendlord platform, with the details they have entered while analysing the property automatically carried through to the loan application.
Lendlord suggested that bridging finance can be popular among purchasers buying at auction because it can be arranged quickly, with completion possible within 28 days, which is a requirement of auction purposes.
“The whole purpose of Lendlord is to make it as easy as possible for property investor and landlords to manage their investments and increase their returns,” commented Lendlord co-founder and CEO, Aviram Shahar. “There are so many opportunities to uncover for savvy investors in property auctions, but the process can be clunky and time-consuming.
“By bringing together the ability to view lots, analyse properties and apply for bridging finance, all within the Lendlord platform, we are giving investors the tools they need to make the most of new opportunities, grow their portfolios and maximise their profitability.”
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