The Nottingham has announced its entry into the three-year fixed buy-to-let (BTL) market.
The society has launched a new three-year fixed 75% LTV mortgage, priced at 1.95%.
This move comes as the society has added further choice for landlords looking to fix a rate for two years, with the addition of a 65% LTV product at 1.75%. Both products come with fees of £999.
The Nottingham has also lowered the rates of several of its BTL products too, across its two and five-year fixes.
“Reinventing our range of mortgages is a key priority and the introduction of the three-year fixed BTL product is the latest example of that,” commented The Nottingham’s Head of Intermediary Sales, Nikki Warren-Dean.
“In addition to that our latest rate reductions are a result of us constantly reviewing rates and listening to broker feedback to fully understand what they and their clients are looking for.”
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