Uinsure has reintroduced landlords legal expenses and rent guarantee cover to its buy-to-let (BTL) product for landlords.
The insurtech disruptor suggested the rent guarantee will be optional, with the product allowing clients to choose the level of cover they want.
Clients will be able to choose cover from landlords legal expenses which will cost £60, or £198 with the inclusion of rent guarantee. Uinsure also stated that the product gives £100,000 of legal expenses cover and up to £2,500 per month for rent guarantee payments, for up to six months.
As an enhancement, the product also now includes a complementary mediation service for landlords and tenants to resolve disputes amicably.
Uinsure chief proposition officer, Paul Kelly, commented: “I am really pleased to be able to bring landlords legal expenses and rent guarantee back into our portfolio for landlords, after this was withdrawn from the market for new business sales as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Making rent guarantee an additional option will give landlords the opportunity to choose the cover levels they want, in order to protect their BTL investment. Both tenants and landlords have been impacted by the current events and it is important we pull together to help both sides when circumstances change.”
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