West One has announced the launch of two limited edition buy-to-let (BTL) products available to standard and specialist landlords.
The lender said that its loans benefit from its ‘no credit scoring’ approach, with specialist underwriting on all applications.
The first product is is a five-year fixed rate loan which has a maximum 75% LTV, with three-year early repayment charge (ERC). This loan is available for houses, leasehold flats and maisonettes, new-builds, HMOs, MUFBs and holiday lets. The lender’s second product is a £250,000 maximum loan that has a fixed rate of 3.59% in the standard range, and 3.79% for specialist properties.
The two products come just a week after West One announced the relaunch of its BTL and second charge proposition.
West One BTL managing director, Andrew Ferguson, commented: “Following the refresh of our product range at the beginning of the month, we promised further enhancements to support our broker partners.
“These limited edition products fill certain criteria for both standard and specialist landlords looking to expand their portfolios.
“The added flexibility within the five-year fixed rate with three-year ERC product is something our broker partners have been asking for, so I anticipate strong demand for this.”
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